CERN – DNA – Deepfake Videos – Ghost Town Manhattan – F35 – MORAL ANTIMATTER

“Make housing plentiful and cheap…
…and you’d have an angry mob with pitchforks and torches at the door”.

(20.Okt.2018) Ten days ago I pledged to report on a bag of 5-kr books acquired at the end of September in the permanent dutch book sale at the Coal Market Square here in downtown Copenhagen. So here we go – or almost. Because today I feel like firstly commenting on a few recent tweets on @gamleboeger.

So let’s take a quick look. I almost exclusively tweet with links to online news. These are all from October 15.

1. Genome Hackers Show No One’s DNA Is Anonymous Anymore

>Earthling’s governments obviously have no ability and/or intention of protecting their citizens from maliciously invasive troublemakers in all areas of privacy.

But your personal DNA is really your most private and valuable possession, don’t you think?

It’s obviously also valuable for someone else. And at some point this someone want to rob you of your possessions, all of them, everything you have. You can bet on that – and is what we see here.

2. Deepfake Videos Are Getting Real and That’s a Problem.
Seeing isn’t believing anymore. Deep-learning computer applications can now generate fake video and audio recordings that look strikingly real.

>In many ways the digital world is becoming downright demonic. Hasn’t digital imagery now almost become the direct opposite of classic, straight photography, valued for its honesty?

3. How Manhattan Became a Rich Ghost Town.
New York’s empty storefronts are a dark omen for the future of cities.

Here we see another showcase of how the deranged money-printing frenzy has warped all asset valuations. Most metropolitan downtown areas are fastly becoming depopulated and cleared of real, living store-fronts. Almost no one running a honest, sane business can pay the outrageous rents demanded by billionaire real-estate owners.

Remember – these large investors have access to almost unlimited funds almost for free. Something that’s certainly not awailable to most large, medium or – heaven forbid – mom-and-pop stores.

4. World’s oldest woman, 129, who says her long life is a punishment from God remembers the one happy day in her life – when she returned home after surviving a Stalin purge in World War Two

Curious story, really: One happy day in 129 years! But undoubtly in many cases living conditions for ‘the plebs’ are balancing precariously on the edge.

5. It’s bizarre, really. You’d think that citizens would want good, livable housing to be readily available and dirt cheap. Food and clothing and heat they want to be plentiful and cheap, but not housing.

6. They’ve been trained to view housing as an “investment”, not as a basic necessity. Make housing plentiful and cheap and you’d have an angry mob with pitchforks and torches at the door.

7. Violence, Public Anger Erupts In China As Home Prices Slide.
“People are so used to rising prices that it never occurred to them that [prices] can fall too…”

>To 5, 6 & 7: Like touched upon above, real estate valuations are way, way off the chart of sanity.

Among the causes: Many governments sponsor home ownership with tax deduction benefits. That is, the poor people sponsor the rich, the poor-poor sponsor the rich-poor and the poor-rich sponsor the rich. Also governments sponsor the banks by making much larger loans possible.

But above all, the insane money printing is warping values, as I’ve expounded upon already

NINE-ELEVEN-EIGHTEEN or Ob Einem Manne Sey Zunemen Ein Eelichs Weyb Oder Nicht?

8. The Online Censors.
Facebook’s long history of closing down free speech.

The Online Censors

9. “I have said it before and I will say it again: in a corporatist system, wherein there is no clear line between corporate power and government power, corporate censorship is government censorship…”: We’re “Trapped In An Orwellian Oligarchy”

>To 8 & 9: These corporations are then clearly and blatantly operation in disregard of the Danish Constitution (Grundlov). I suppose this applies to most European and many overseas countries and their respective constitution as well.

10. Perpetual Taxes on Property.
Eric Peters on moral obnoxiousness.

Perpetual Taxes on Property

>It’s interesting to note, that most or all countries globally now in reality have abolished private ownership to agri-land and real estate. That is, if you are not able to pay the taxes on your land or lot, then the govt. takes possession – in quite short order!

11. The American Ruling Class: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution

The American Ruling Class

12. “My dog can recognize faces,” he says. “My teenage daughter speaks three languages. I would not entrust my savings to either of them.”

>To 12: Of course you shouldn’t entrust your savings to robots. But that’s what everyone now do every day as many or even most world leaders and top business executives are IN FACT ROBOTS: They are almost totally left-brain dominated ‘human’ (or rather inhuman) robots.

If you don’t have an effectively functioning right half-brain working smoothly together with your equally effectively functioning left half-brain – but only a functioning left-half – then you are in fact largely a robot!

Hence these leaders fascination with artificial intelligence (i.e. robots): The ‘human’ robots themselves ofcourse want to ‘breed and proliferate’…

More here

The Robots’ Cash Ban

13. And as he continues to expose one fraud after another, Griffin – unlike Goldman – is truly doing God’s work.
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

>Read more about this real world hero in the Zerohedge article!

A little more about ‘gods workers’ here


14. Exorbitant cost, multiple failures, years overdue: A recap of the ongoing F-35 calamity (VIDEO)

>Inbelievable any responsible government dare to defend procuring this monster aircraft. The price is monstreous – and what about the umbilical cord that has to be live in real time via satellite between the Pentagon and any plane wanting to fly?

Can anyone outside the US but a rank traitor defend this? Please explain to me how, thanks?

15. The European Union believes that it is able to accommodate 3.8 billion more refugees and migrants!
Taken from an official EU Commission Home Affairs Committee document:

16. According to the EU Commission, the EU member states can accomadate 3.8 billion – yes, BILLION – refugees/asylum seekers/economic migrants (a majority of whom are Muslims from Africa and the Middle East). The EU’s current total population is approximately 510 million.

>More crazy, crazy, dangerous paper work?

17. China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

>I’ve had a hard time grasping that no one from our top global leadership are able to understand the stark and imminent danger posed by monster machines like the CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

They are in fact monstrously large bombs, ‘able to blow up stars and planets’.
The worst case scenario is supposed to be our Earth blowing up like a Nova or even Supernova. In which case the fireball may be typically 300 million km across, evaporating Earth and the inner planets AND POSSIBLY KICKING OUR SUN RIGHT OUT OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY.

Please read these extracts from the home page of Luis Sancho, top of the world theoretical physicist:

LUIS SANCHO – On himself:

Top of the world of systems sciences and cybernetics. IQ 180. But now 80% of my papers have been erased from GoogleScholars.
See my best work, ‘Absolute relativity: the 5th dimension’, at kindle

And on CERN science and scientists:

Cern is full of 20 something very smart who think because they have a ‘title’ and went through the industry of information they know a lot

They are very smart. So smart that they will die from it. Because the Universe is NOT SMART BUT INTELLIGENT.

Smart people (try and) ‘cheat’ the laws of the Universe.

Those people are nuts, evil children, and they don’t even know they are

‘those who pretend to impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’. (Einstein)

The two biggest infamous basterds of modern science, inventors of cybernetics and the H-bomb, were obsessed with extinction.

They knew they were the parents of the two sciences, nuclear physics and robots, that would kill us. They ONLY talked of THIS. It was their obsession

Don’t you get it? It is all a moral question!! They know they can kill the planet, they don’t care.

They live off making weapons, they are nuclear scientists, they live with death

When CERN crosses the so-called ‘bag number’ (number of strange quarks needed to coalescence into a strangelet) we shall die.


CERN is cosmic bomb, able to blow up stars and planets, the 3rd evolution of nuclear bombs after the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb

(all from and )

However it seems the CERN/LHC has now been (or is to be) shut down for 10 years ‘to be upgraded’. Has somebody perhaps seen the light after all?

More here (pls. scroll down for english text)

STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

18. BP: Sanktionen gegen Russland-Energie würden Europa lahmlegen

>Obviously the US-sanctions on Russia are equally malicious to Europe…


19. 40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes

20. Datatilsynet truede med melde TDC’s masseovervågning til politiet

21. Efter knap 2 års ulovlig masseovervågning: Pape ser på lov for telelogning

22. Det er mere end på tide, at Søren Pape Poulsen reviderer de danske logningsregler

23. (Men er det ikke Grundlovsstridigt at give en fremmed Spiontjeneste den magt?) ‘Udgivelsen af »Syv år for PET« ville kræve godkendelse fra CIA’

24. ‘Scharf skulle have skadet PETs forhold til samarbejdspartnere og andre efterretningstjenester. For at han måtte nævne andre tjenester, ville det ifølge den daværende juridiske chef have krævet skriftlig godkendelse’ (med hvilken lovhjemmel?)

25. Angiveligt har Scharf brudt den saakaldte (Grundlovsstridige, og i saa fald forræderiske?) »tredjelandsregel«, der betyder, at hvis en tjeneste som PET får efterretninger fra et andet lands efterretningstjeneste kan de ikke videregives (til Tinget?) uden oprindelseslandets samtykke.

26. »Det (efterretningssamarbejde, red.) er en nedarvet tradition, som baserer sig på tillid, og hvis den tillid bliver brudt, mister man muligheden for at få informationer,« sagde Finn Borch Andersen i retten og uddybede, at det i sidste ende kunne betyde, at PET ikke længere ville modtage efterretninger gennem andre tjenester. (Note 1)

27.0. FBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold Worth up to $250 million. Article by Mac Slavo.

FBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold

> As I have touched upon already five years ago (link 1, below), the Global caste of ‘consolidated’ Secret Police/SecretServices may eventually have become an agressive entity, that is – quite simply – grasping for world power in their own right?

Some recent observations:

28.1. (10.Okt.2018) Tonite had clairvoyant vision of my book storeroom being burglarized. The front door kicked in. Saw 2 men, one with earphones and large green cap/beret (military men?). The gang left Denmark for Ukraine in 3 small aircraft + one fast driving car. Did Mossad panic on account of me telling abt. bugged photo shop?

28.2. (10.Okt.2018) Yesterday I told friendly photo-dealer I suspected his shop was being bugged (by PET/Mossad?). This summer I have noted a certain response to what being said in the shop. Reason for installing bugs is most likely the Secret Police (PET) wants to know if I sell recently acquired things with a profit?

>The reason for the embassy having ordered the bugging as indicated very probably is a burning desire from SKAT/PET/Mossad to catch me in buying an item in this generally customer friendly store and soon after perhaps sell it with a profit?

Why is this desire so burning at the rogue agencies? Because (like I’ve touched upon already – link 2.) they will then roll out some of their usual spiteful and reckless abuse of power and instantly

– ransack my home, accusing me of trading illegally
– steal my cash and valuables,
– steal my keys to my safe deposit box, and steal the content, and perhaps most importantly
– steal my computer files, some of which might well be quite compromising for TPTB if brought to the attention of a wider audience (link 3,4 and 5).

When the Secret Police is illegally and maliciously harassing law abiding citicens it’s always very important to cheat or rob the targets of any financial assets so as to prevent them from hiring a lawyer.
Hence a bug at my favourite photo dealer is deemed so very desirable by these rogue power abusers?

(See also and )

29. Most Americans Don’t Know that the Federal Reserve Banks Are Private Corporations

30. ‘Central and fractional-reserve banking has to be the greatest system of theft and plunder ever devised by mankind. It is evil to its very core’.

31. In order for the bankers to establish what they call their “New World Order,” they need chaos to tenderize the masses, but they also have to be seen as saviors that deserve to be in a position of authority over the global economy.

32. What mainstream economists don’t seem to grasp is that central banks and international banks are ALWAYS positioned to benefit from the crash of the bubbles they create. It is the reason why they inflated the bubbles from the very beginning

33. Central banks are not afraid to allow markets to plummet, they WANT markets to plummet. The banks simply want to be sure they are set up for optimum benefit when the system does crash.

Se also

NINE-ELEVEN-EIGHTEEN or Ob Einem Manne Sey Zunemen Ein Eelichs Weyb Oder Nicht?

34. High-Ranking Retired General Leonid Ivashov: The Pro-Israeli Lobby Permeates All The Administrative Structures Of The Russian Federation; Russia’s Sovereignty Is At Stake

>The power-structure of Russia often may appear rather hazy for outsiders?

35. Maskeret mand slæbte pige henad fortov
Mand med maske forsøgte angiveligt at bortføre pige fra 4. klasse på Lystrup Skole ved Aarhus – massive undersøgelser fra Østjyllands Politi har endnu ikke ledt til nogen spor af manden

>Kidnappings (of children) are perhaps much more ubiquitous than most people think. Here are a few impressions by myself (on twitter):

(27Feb2018) At abt. 3 AM had clairvoyant vision of small girl held captive in crate, and scared witless. I guess the SecretPolice/SecretServices would like to #kidnap my nephews kids? I wonder if to be locked-up in suspected Mossad-safe-house in the near vicinity?

(15.May.2018) Have just learned that suspected Mossad safe-house in our neighbourhood has recently had sound-proof room installed. Ideal for confining and torturing #kidnapped: A Mossad specialty?

36. Seven Ways Hackers Can Steal Your Keyless Car in Seconds.
And owners of high-risk vehicles could see insurance costs spiral

37. Department of Defense weapons systems can ‘easily be hacked’ with many using default passwords allowing testers to take complete control of them ‘within seconds’, shocking report warns

>Electronic locks are seriously problematic for their owners! They are not secure at all and may in fact be turned against you (as in locking you out from your car or house). More here


38. Pope Francis compares having abortion to ‘hiring a hit man’.
‘Is it right to ‘take out’ a human life to solve a problem? Pope asks

But now today’s ‘main dish’, – a few more 75-cent books:

1. POLITISKE AFHANDLINGER. Af D-d (D.G.Monrad), fra 1.December 1869 til 30. November 1870. København, 1870, A.F.Høst, 464 p. Bound in half calf.

Fra Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (1920) (udtog):

Ditlev Gothard Monrad (1811-87), biskop, politiker. Mest helstatsmand og ‘er overhovedet Junigrundlovens fader’. Departementschef og direktør i Kultusministeriet. Minister, Konsejlspræsident.

‘Han gjorde i disse stillinger et enestående sagligt og parlamentarisk arbejde, hans veltalenhed, uhyre arbejdskraft og evne til personlig paavirkning stillede ham øverst blandt lederne.

‘Hans vaaben var en storslaaet, patetisk og ætsende veltalenhed, dybere og mørkere end Lehmanns, og en hensynsløs energi…’

Medarbejder/redaktør efterhånden ved Fædrelandet, Dansk Folkeblad og Berlingste Tidende. Det er artikler fra sidstnævnte blad, der er samlet i ovennævnte bog.

I think this small book is quite uncommon, as not to be found on

2. CARL GEORG ANDRÆ. En Biografisk Fremstilling – Med bidrag til belysning af hans samtidige. Af Poul Andræ. 3 vols. København 1897, 1909, 1911. Gyldendal, 319 + 196 + 263 p. Bound in half calf.

Fra Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (1920) hidsættes (i udtog):

C.C.G.Andræ (1812-93), matematiker, politiker. Direktør for Gradmålingen (Geodætisk Institut) 1853-84. En ‘overordentlig klar og skarp matematisk begavelse.’ Hans værk ‘Den Danske Gradmaaling’ (4 bd, 1867-84) staar i den teoretiske Geodæsi som epokegørende.

Han kom ind i politik 1848 som kongevalgt medlem af den grundlovgivende rigsforsamling. Bondevennerne satte ham i Folketinget 1849, formand til 1852. Har stor fortjeneste af skabelsen af en parlamentarisk tradition. Finansminister, Konsejlspræsident, Helstatsmand. Opfandt det første forholdstalsvalgsystem (1855).

Andræ var en i mange henseender overlegen personlighed. Han dømte altid klart og nøgternt, og tiden har på mange punkter vist, at han dømte rigtigt. Men havde ‘teoretikerens ulyst til at tage ansvaret’.

I forordet til bind 3 hedder det: ‘Med det foreliggende tredie bind afslutter jeg min biografi om Andræ med dertil knyttede ‘Bidrag til belysning af hans samtidige… ‘
Men der synes dog at være kommet et bind 4 senere.

In a recent blog update

Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour

I touched upon the Nordic peoples’ apparent disdain for ancestry. Here is a curious statement of Mr. Andræ’s that seems to support this:

Fra bd. 1, s.7: ‘Men Andræ afviste altid saadanne spørgsmaal: “Nej, der har saamænd ikke været nogen af betydning blandt dem, det jeg veed af”; – “moi, je suis mon ancêtre”, kunde han spøgende tilføie og yttre sig ret tilfreds ved ikke at kjende nærmere til den fædrene familie.’

3. DET SYTTENDE OG ATTENDE AARHUNDREDE. Af J.A.Fridericia, København 1910-11, Erslevs Forlag, 590 p., half calf.

4. HISTOIRE DE LA RÉVOLUTION FRANCAISE. Par M. Louis Blanc. Vol. 1 + 2. Bruxelles 1847-48, Meline, Cans et Co., 516 + 426 p. Half calf.

5. OPTEGNELSER FRA ET OPHOLD I FRANKRIG FRA 1815-18. Af Feltpræst Kristoffer Nyholms efterladte papirer. Udg. af C.V.Nyholm. København, 1897, Gad, 172 p, half calf.

This slim volume is a seemingly quite rare specimen of memoires from the Danish military corps dispatched to France after the fall of Napoleon.

My great-great grandfather was there as a 24 year old soldier, confirmed by the following piece from a Danish local paper:

De første linjer af en lille nekrolog om min tipoldefar i Thisted Amts Avis fra 26. april 1875:

“Den 19de døde i Lund, Lild sogn, aftægtsmand Otte Andersen i en alder af 84 år. Den afdøde var med på toget til Frankrig i 1815, da Napoleon var styrtet og Frederik den 6te havde sluttet sig til de allierede….”

Se also

En minderune

6. FRANKRIG UNDER RESTAURATIONEN. Efter de interessanteste og bedste skrifter og andre hjælpekilder – af Fr. Klee. København, 1860, Berlingske Bogtr. – Stenderup. 459 p. Half calf.

7. GEORG BRANDES’ LÆREÅR. Læsning – Ideer – Smag – Kritik, 1857-1872. København, 1955, Gyldendal. 473 p. Soft cover.

8. THE BOOK OF INSULTS – ANCIENT & MODERN. By Nancy McPhee. NewYork/London, 1978, Paddington Press, 160 p, Soft cover.

Note 1.
Question is how much value these ‘informations’ really have? Comp. leading Mossad-agent in Denmark, Victor Ostrovsky, who in his book BY WAY OF DECEPTION (N.Y., 1990) tells about a Mossad doctrine of NEVER giving valuable informations to alien agencies while staunchly demanding this kind of information from the corresponding agencies.

Note 2.

Your Galactic Police

Link 1.

Danmark i kosmos?

Link 2.

Helsingborg’ske shenanigans? (updated)

Link 3.


Link 4.

Nullermand eller regimekritiker?

Link 5.

Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis


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Tweets on (is not now updated as I’ve been shut out by the friendly folks at Twitter).

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